I am a very lucky girl to be married to my very best friend in the whole world. One thing about our relationship that I would never change, is how much fun we have together. We have always been able to have fun just the two of us at home or out and about with friends. One of the things I am also lucky for, is the ability to talk my husband into dressing up each and every Halloween. He has always been a great sport and gone along with whatever crazy idea I came up with. He is so much fun too, because he really takes on whatever character I give him and will help to embellish his costume accordingly. Before we got pregnant this blog was also about us as a married couple and the things I love, Halloween happens to be at the top of the list. I thought it might be fun to share all our past Halloween costumes and reveal this year's.
Our 1st Halloween: 2005 I fell in love with this 70's dress and Kev's only requirement was an afro! We were a huge hit with our families and no one accused us of being too old to trick or treat as we made our rounds in the neighborhood.
2006: Nerds! This one is still my favorite. We won every costume contest that year- and Kev's costume was complete with a fanny pack! PLUS we got everything at good will so our costumes combined were less than $20! The inside joke of our costume was that we kept awkwardly making out (that's why he has lipstick all over his mouth)
2007: (also the last time i was skinny on Halloween) I forget what we said we were the God's of... at the time we had thought of funny things but they escape me now. Really, I just thought he would look hot (and I was right!) This one didn't take a lot of convincing haha |
2008: I took the dress from my goddess costume the year before and sewed little hearts all over it to make me cupid. This was our first year living on our own and didn't have a lot of money. Kev came up with this excellent idea to help us be funny and save some moolah. This is my 3rd favorite costume of all time. (the 2nd is yet to come) |
This is me being self indulgent and showing off what I thought was my "mad sewing skills" (I know NOTHING about sewing lol) ... I was pretty proud of my booty heart!
2009: Bumble Bee's and a Bee Keeper.... this costume was Kev's least favorite of all time but I got the vest for Beckham (he was always shivering when we lived by the water) and got inspired by it. Then I found our costumes online and ordered them. Kev didn't know until he opened the mail what we were that year and despite his constant instance he will not be a bee that year- my wonderful guy sucked it up and we were bee-utiful (sorry, couldn't resist) Looking at this photo now, its obviously Beckham wasn't that excited either!
In 2010 I was so sick that it was the only Halloween of my entire life that I didn't dress up. I was devastated but Kev brought me home to the bay area, him and his mom made all my favorite foods and we watched all my favorite Halloween movies. Despite my devastation, complete sickness (and flat out refusal to hand out candy because I didn't want to see everyone else dressed up) I had a pretty good night.
2011: This is how we let everyone know we were pregnant last year with Mason. Kev was a baker from 'Big Daddy Bakery' and I made my costume from scratch- complete with a working oven door and knobs. You cant tell from the photo but the cupcake or 'muffin' as we nicknamed Mason was actually on the shirt I was wearing and the back had his due date. This is my 2nd favorite costume... it would be my 1st had things turned out differently but mostly if it wasn't so hard to make that damned oven!!!
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2012: Juno! I searched the web high and dry for an inspired pregnancy costume that wasn't typical. All I could find was pregnant nuns and painted belly's. I wasn't about to expose my still-some-of-my-own-fat belly and then my husband remembered one of our favorite movies- Juno. I am in love with Michael Cera (i have a thing for dorks... sorry babe) and this movie is hilarious. As soon as I saw the movie poster I knew it was a done deal. My husband once again was a trooper and agreed to wear too small shorts in October and the rest was pretty easy with Amazon.com and my closet. Even people that didn't know the movie fell in love with my husband's costume. They weren't sure what he was, but they loved it. Then, when we showed them the movie poster they couldn't believe it. It's too bad we didn't enter any costume contests because everyone told us we would have won. It was a great costume, and the fact that it was comfortable was a huge bonus.
So there you have it, almost 8 years of great costumes and a glimpse into our sense of humor.... which will only expand with Averie joining us next year. We are already planning and scheming a way to blow everyone away! |
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