Monday, December 2, 2013

Then and Now: Averie's Room Edition

We have been super busy at our house trying to get everything guest ready for Thanksgiving and I am happy to report that a TON of work has been completed! All the big stuff at least, which makes the place livable, which makes me pretty excited. The smaller stuff on our to-do lists can wait until we've got a little more cash to throw around. I am probably the most proud of Averie's room... let's check it out!

Here's her closet BEFORE
Here is her closet in PROGRESS. We still have to add a bi-fold door, and I have a little basket next to her closet to put all the extra hangers in... I'm thinking we may need to add a 3rd shelf... This girl has a TON of clothes.
Here is her main wall BEFORE
And her main wall AFTER! I am so proud of my bright stripe! I love that it ties in with her original bedding from her first room, and I love how her crib pops out against the grey walls! This is my favorite view of her room.

Here is the corner of windows BEFORE
The corner wall in PROGRESS! I still need to make custom curtains for her room and add some more artwork around her name. Her monthy picture bear loves all the space to chill.
Here is the only uninterrupted wall in her room...
 Here it is AFTER! I only classify this as after because the things on these shelves are forever moving.
Here's a close up of her nook:
She's got all her hair accessories (organized into hats and bows of course!), Dr Seuss books (my fave) a piggy bank bear/swear jar I made her, more blankets from loved ones, hygiene items, a muffin I made her so Mason can be a part of her room, and a gorgeous lamp that went with her original bedding. Of course we have Harbor the cat modeling how well the changing table works.
 The window wall from another angle BEFORE
The window AFTER! These things will also change out as time goes on, but I love all her little nooks. These are mostly gifts from Averie's loved ones...
Here's a close up of her nook shelf:
A picture frame, princess books, a customized piggy bank, Minnie ears, a lemur, tiny uggs, blankets from some special ladies, and TONS of hand me down books from her daddy's childhood. So much love and history on one shelf!
I'm pretty much obsessed, and I never thought I could embrace pink! Her room is so fun, I can be found in there re-arranging and playing around at any given time. I wish I could just design kids rooms for a living, that would be the best!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Stripes, Stripes, Stripes and.... More Stripes

Most of these projects have been done since before we actually moved in, but the last 2 were completed this week, one of them just a few hours ago. I could have posted the finished ones, but I thought it would be more fun to lump them all together, since they're all in the same family. Let's get right to it: I'm absolutely obsessed with stripes! My husband wasn't too sure about it when I initially let him in on my decorating plans, and it took lots of looks at my Pinterest boards to get him on board (pun intended) but he decided to trust me in the end, and it was a good move- because we both love the results. Let's do it in chronological order of completion...

Here is the inspiration for Averie's room: (Please forgive my phone screen shots- I have no idea how to use Photoshop)

We don't have vaulted ceilings, but I knew we planned to do dark hardwood and wanted something to brighten up the baby's room. I am also not a fan of orange (many years working at Home Depot will do that to you). You can tell these were done before we moved in because they still have the horrible brown carpet. (More on that later) Painting stripes is a lot easier than you would think...

 Basically, you measure the height of your wall and then divide by the # of stripes you want. I knew I needed an accent stripe to be surrounded by regular stripes so I made sure to pick an odd number. I marked the ones I intended to paint with tape, and added an extra piece to the one I wanted to be the accent stripe.

This photo shows why I decided to go a little bolder on the accent stripe. The 2nd one down is a lavender, but its too similar to the grey. So, I went back to the store and got inspired by an out of character color for me, and ended up with this:

I'm kinda obsessed with it! Normally I wouldn't pick pink willingly- but a lot of her bedding has a fuchsia-y purple to it, and it works out great with the grey. I liked it so much I decided to do this:


This is the wall directly opposite the striped wall. I know it's a little bold, but with all her chunky white furniture and some strategically picked art, I think it'll all balance out. Besides, kids rooms are supposed to be super fun and a little crazy right? I have big plans for curtains in this room...

I was going to post pics of our dining room- but it looks like my computer ate them... I'll have to re-take them and post them in the future... but guys... it's awesome! (Promise!!!!)

I bought a chevron stencil to use in the guest room. My original plan was to paint all the walls purple but do a grey, pink, purple variating chevron on the accent wall. The thing I failed to realize was how hard it would be to use a stencil on a textured wall. We think the guest room used to be a sun room that they converted into an extra bedroom. I didn't want to give up my dreams of a chevron striped accent wall so after a few weeks of living in our house I decided the best (and non-textured) spot would be our living room where we have French doors. It's such a focal point in that room, I thought it would make it extra special. So, on Sunday I handed the baby to my husband and got to work.

Just for the full effect on how cool this room is... here's the before:

 Yes, this room is painted the same grey that is in the baby's room. I am really into this color, I like that in some lights it looks a little purple, but I really like that it's a neutral and it goes with everything. Ignore the unfinished wall to the left... that's a whole other blog! Do you like how my ladder in is every before shot?

And here is the fabulous after:

I poured some white paint into the leftover grey that was already on the wall. I could have just used the white for the stripes, but I wanted it to be a little softer and subtler. I am so happy with the outcome, I can be found at any given time just standing and staring at this wall.

I will be 100% honest and say that despite my absolute love for this wall, I will never attempt a chevron stripe again. It. Was. SO. Hard!!!! That's why I don't have any during pics, or any good tips on doing it. It was so hard! Even on a smooth wall, with lots of tape and a level it was impossible to get them perfectly straight. I had to go back and hand paint the edges to fix all the places it didn't line up perfectly. The stencil I used (from Etsy) wasn't very good- it didn't account for the stripe above it, and it would smudge the point above it. Ugh... it took way longer than normal stencils would. But... I LOVE IT!

Lastly, we have our small silly little staircase. 3 steps is all i had to work with, and it's such a funny space in our house I wanted to do something to make it special. When I saw this photo, I knew it was what I was looking for:

 Here is what it looked like when we pulled the carpeting off the stairs...

 AND... here it is now! I played around with only doing the top and bottom (to make it look like the inspiration pic) but I ended up deciding to just go for it and do it on all 3. If the landing looks like it's a different color than the rest, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. After we tile the kitchen we will carry the hardwood onto the landing. I am still deciding what color to paint the hallways... maybe my trusty grey... but I'm pretty happy with the outcome. And so is the hubby... which is always a good thing with interior decorating!

I know what you're thinking. My house must look like a fun house as you walk through with all these different stripes (and i even have more ideas for accents in other rooms) but because the layout of our house is pretty spaced out, and not super open they don't all smack you in the face as you walk around. In fact, you can't see one while looking at the other... so it doesn't feel crazy as a whole. It feels more like little surprises that make each space special as you go through the house. We are pretty stoked about it, and we can't wait to share more!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Before the Crazyness Sets In Photos

Everything I have learned so far about home renovations, I have learned from my favorite blog Young House Love. Not even 5 years working at Home Depot in the past taught me as much as those two! Justly- everything I have learned about home renovation blogging I have learned from them as well. We have made a lot of progress in the 3 short weeks we had between getting the house and moving in (something you are already familiar with if you follow me on instagram) but I think it's best if this post is all about the "before" photos and our plans to update our house. We live for this stuff. Seriously.

So lets start the house tour....

The Living Room

To Do List:
-Tear out all carpet
-Block off the doorway by the double door
-Lay hardwood flooring
-New windows
-Add curtains
Dining Room


To Do List:
-Tear out carpet
-Replace outlet covers (in this room they are painted over so many times you cant plug anything in)

To Do List:
This is the biggest task- all the cabinets are literally falling apart so they must go and the stove faces a weird direction, that's not something we can change because of the gas hookups so we are going to close the wall next to it and turn this space into an L shaped kitchen.
-Close Doorway to Living Room
-Paint fridge (until we can get a new one)
-Tear out all cabinets
-Install new cabinets/sink
-Get rid of portable dishwasher and install dishwasher into new cabinets
-Lay new flooring
-Install back splash
-Encase fridge with a cabinet on top to make the side of the fridge usable space
Guest Room

To Do List:
This room is kind of odd with so many windows on every wall and a huge closet on one of them. There are literally no blank walls in here. Originally we thought we would use this as Averie's "big girl" room because it has its own bathroom. Now, we're thinking we'd rather keep it as an office/guest room and maybe build on another bedroom down the line. We are leaving the cork flooring because its brand new and I really like it.
-Paint all walls
-Maybe take out closet and add a new smaller one
-Add chevron stripe to wall with 1 window
-Add curtains
-New windows
Guest Bathroom

To Do List:
This is my favorite bathroom of the 2 (The layout is smart and spacious) and I LOVE the mirror and cabinets. The cork flooring from the guest room carries to the bathroom too so we won't be touching that either.
-Replace toilet
-Add curtain to the window
-Change shower curtain to glass shower doors
-Add wainscoting to the lower half of bathroom
-Change out fixtures
-Change light fixture
Hall Bathroom


To Do List:
I hate this bathroom. It's just a dark hole of a space and everything is so cramped. Everything in here is changing except the shower.
-Replace toilet
-Get rid of the 2 identical sinks and replace with one big double sink counter
-tear out the 2 medicine cabinets
-move large mirror from above toilet to above double counter and frame in
-remove towel bar and replace with artwork
-add overhead lighting with either a skylight or can lights
-get rid of extra vanity
-replace flooring
-PAINT (Ill never understand painting a bathroom the color of poop)
-Replace light fixture
-Reverse door swing since the light switches are behind the door
Our Room

To Do List:
The master doesn't have a bathroom... one day we will fix that or add on another master suite with a bigger walk in closet and a bathroom. For now, we have sort of an L shaped room and are having issues with how to furnish it. I'm thinking the nook by the window that shares a wall with the closet will be a beauty corner with a floor length leaning mirror and a vanity... but we'll see.
-Remove carpet
-Install hardwood floor
-Change door to closet
-Get rid of poop brown paint
-Add curtains
-New windows
Averie's Room

To Do List:
-Remove carpet
-Install hardwood
-Change or paint ceiling fan
-Install bi fold door on closet
-Add curtains
-New windows
Laundry Room

To Do List:
This room is at the very back of the house (it leads out to the yard) but I am so excited! I've always wanted a laundry room!
-Washer and Dryer (obviously)
-Change flooring
-Frame in washer/dryer with custom cabinets
I know it's probably weird to include our hallways but I have big plans for them haha... so here they are and their orientation of the house... 
From the hall bathroom TO the front door. I am going to paint this a deep purple. I love a colored door. All this flooring is going to be replaced with hardwood as well. The 2 white cabinets to the left of the door are going to be removed once the kitchen remodel is done. There is not storage in there right now, so the previous tenants were using them as kitchen storage.

Same view from the hall bathroom to the front door, just a few steps back. These are our linen cabinets but the top left is useless because it holds a huge heater duct. It's closed off from the rest. We are going to make the one below it the cats litter box (they are super into hiding in cabinets anyway). I am going to remove all the handles, fill them and add moulding to give them the same look as our kitchen cabinets. They will get painted as well.

This is the cabinet in the middle of our stairs. They will get the same moulding face lift/paint job as the hall cabinets. The bottom will be used for games/toys and the top for cleaning products and laundry stuff until my custom laundry cabinets are built.

These are the stairs from the laundry room to the entry/kitchen/ Averie's room is to the left and our room is to the right. I am going to add a chevron pattern to the stairs and probably some kind of paneling to the walls of all the hallways. They'll get painted as well. Kev is working on removing all the carpeting from this area to replace it with hardwood.

This is the reverse view of the photo above- looking into the laundry room (just to show a different perspective of this hallway)
So there you have it, our new house and all the plans we have for it. Some are already done, some are still in progress. I'll try to share them as we complete them. As far as the outside goes, we don't have solid plans for any of it, so I'll wait to share those pics. We have lots of plans though, we just need to figure out what is actually do-able. We are learning our way through this, but loving every minute of it. I can't wait to show some killer before and after pics!