Friday, March 8, 2013

She's Coming!

We had our 38 week appointment on Monday but it literally took all week to get the following info confirmed, and I didn't want to jinx anything by posting too early.

As of this week they are predicting Averie is about 7lbs and that I have a large amount of fluid surrounding her, making my belly look like I'm a few weeks further along than I actually am. This made me very happy since I've been doing everything I'm supposed to in order to get the delivery I want, and on Monday we got the news we had been hoping for: Inducing at 39 weeks!!!

We didn't really get to pick a date. Our Dr said we're doing this as soon as i turn 39 weeks (that is this coming Monday) so they baby doesn't have a chance to put on more weight. They told me again that they predict my max will be 7.5lbs so if we can get this process started right at 39 weeks she should come in under that and we shouldn't have to have a C-Section. I can't tell you how excited I am that I get to at least try to have the experience I've always wanted. It's a little annoying that my Dr keeps saying "try" before every sentence but heck I'll take it! As long as I get a chance to try and deliver this baby myself I'll be happy with whatever the outcome.

I've been doing a ton of research about what the induction process is like. It's a little scary because it's all supposed to happen within 12 hours of being given the first dose of pitocen so there is less time for my body to adjust to pain but I am strangely excited to feel what I've been reading about. We're going to wait as long as we can before getting an epidural, but full disclosure, I am a huge wimp so I may cave pretty quickly... but I've decided to try and hold out for as long as I can. I want to be able to move around if I want to since I'm told that can help move the process along. Luckily my friends know what an information hog I am and have been supplying me with their experiences and as much information they can.

I just want to clarify: I don't seek this information because I'm scared or worried, it actually helps me to relax MORE if I can soak in as much info as possible. I've always been this way, I don't do things without researching the heck out of them. It's kind of like when I find a new hobby I want to know everything about it as quickly as possible and it makes me happy. (This is probably why I did so well in school growing up, I crave knowledge) I realize I could just ask my Dr all these questions but I like hearing real experiences from people I know and trust. I realize everyone has different perspectives and experiences and that mine may be nothing like it, and that's ok... but I'm still going to ask anyone willing to answer a million questions!

We had to wait for the hospital to approve the Dr's request for my induction, and for some reason that took forever. However, we finally got it confirmed and they are actually going to have us come in around 9pm on Sunday. There is a few hours of 'prep' of you will before the actual process can happen and they are going to wait until Midnight before actually starting the delivery process because I technically have to be 39 weeks. I don't really get how 3 hours makes a difference, but hey it gives us an opportunity for a proper send off... which is pretty cool!

Our immediate families are going to get together along with the God Parents and we are going to have dinner early on Sunday night before we have to go to the hospital. The Dr told me to eat my normal dinner before coming in so that's what we are doing. My favorite GD Diet food: PIZZA! I know that must sound funny because it's not considered the healthiest thing in the world but with GD what you really focus on is counting your carbs. Pizza is great because 2 slices is below my carb intake allowance and you literally don't have to count any of the toppings. They encourage things like sandwiches, pizza, and soups because there is only a small amount of carbs (usually) and they tell you to pile these items high with veggies, cheese and even meat...although I'm not a 'meatza' eater. I usually prefer the veggies and just a little meat on mind. So pizza is always a win/win.

Back to the family... we are gathering together to have our pre-hospital dinner and my husband is going to video tape our journey from there. We thought it would be sweet for Averie to see all the people that love her gathered together to wish us luck right before she was born. Plus, we don't want anyone in the delivery room with us and we want to make sure to document some of the delivery process to look back on. We are going to let the family decide when they want to come wait at the hospital. The hospital has pretty strict visiting hours but they're literally inducing me in the middle of the night and Averie can be born anytime between 4am and 12pm... so we are leaving it up to them how early in the morning they want to get up haha! It's all so exciting, and the support from our family and friends has been amazing.

It still hasn't really hit me that in just a few days I'll be holding my little girl and our family of two will become a family of 3.  3 MORE DAYS!!!!

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