My wish on this interesting display of 1's is for my husband to know how much i love and appreciate him. I am not so good at expressing myself when it comes to anything but anger. Anger, i have no problem with... but appreciation is something i will continue to work on forever. I am always appreciative of the things around me, but its a lot harder for me to express it to those that matter.
My husband is always busy. He is going to school and working full time, and even when he is home, he is helping with the animals or cooking for me. Maybe he isn't always happy doing it, but he doesn't take it out on me if he isn't, and he can always laugh about it.
I spoke in my vows that i started becoming a better person from the moment that i met him. It was true then, and its still true now. He doesn't even try to help me do this, but just being around him, his kind heart, his great outlook on life, and his incredible smile. The best part, is most of the time he doesn't even know, he just gets to reap the benefits.
He has taught me that lots of the little things i used to obsess over are not important. He showed me what really matters, and continues to, as we grow our little family. I know it sounds simple but i was a complicated mess and he detangled my crazy into a somewhat upstanding citizen. He showed me that I could be the real me, and that he would love that me, and in return I could love that me.
***I was coming on the blog to write an update on my fitness progress, when I saw a little notification that I've probably seen a hundred times. (You know when you look at something all the time you sort of stop seeing it?) It was letting me know that I still had a post I hadn't published. I clicked on it and saw this, I don't remember writing it but it's sort of amazing to see how almost 3 years later I still feel the same way about my husband.
The first 4 months of us moving have been hard on our relationship, but I can say that we are living proof that determination and love will not only get you through rough times, it will make you stronger in the end. Those are the two words that deserve the most credit for helping us through our roughest patch yet. (Pretty good for a 9+ year relationship if you ask me!) While I still am not crazy about the place we have moved to, I am still crazy about my husband and he helps me grow every single day.
When I look at him now, I still see all those things I saw before... maybe with even more appreciation as the years have gone by. Just substitute school for having a baby and almost everything is the same, including how much I adore his hard work. His hard work goes beyond the physical now, it's the work he puts into being a good dad, it's the work he puts into making our house a home, and it's the work he puts into making me happy. He hasn't always been the most romantic when it comes to huge gestures- but he does something for me every day. Today, he brought me a piece of bacon before I left for work, because he knew I didn't have time to stay and eat. The other day we were watching some Food Network show and I said something looked really good, the next day it was in our pantry. Although he hates it, he comes to my rescue with even the smallest of spiders.
He may not be the best with words, but in small meaningful moments he is abundant. It's the little things that mean the most to me. I don't want to be one of those typical wife's that complain about their husbands because it's funny or the norm... I want to be brave enough to really put it out there and love on my hubby (and show my daughter that a good man is rare, and deserves some praise). It's kinda funny that I would finally see that notification moments after posting this picture on my IG for Throwback Thursday:
That's us in 2nd grade! Our photos really are next to each other in our class photo! I guess alphabetizing got thrown out the window, and cuteness got put together. That's my theory anyway.
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