My husband and I went to our ultrasound yesterday. In the weeks leading up to it our Dr and Midwife had said not to get our hopes up and had explained that we wouldn't actually get any results at the actual ultrasound but we might get an idea from the tech, but nothing would be in stone. It takes a few days for the different doctors to review the ultrasound results so we are now (doing our best) to wait patiently.
Late last night I did get the initial results from the ultrasound but me not being trained in any sort of medical field had no clue what they meant. It was literally just the stats with no message from my Dr attached. So, naturally, I posted the picture of them on my facebook and hoped one of my many mommy or nurse friends had some insight. Here they are (and I'll do my best to explain what they mean based on my friend's comments...
See how at the very top it says "large for dates" that initially had me worried but as I looked at all the measurements and how they stood against weekly comparisons. There was really only one that was large, and it was only by a day. When we went in I was 37 weeks, 1 day. Everything else seemed exactly on point or smaller. I didn't want to get my hopes up but here are some of the things my friends said (keeping their privacy of course- I am just going to write the medical portions of the comments)
Friend 1 (a nursing student): 6lb 7oz baby, all results normal and great, head down.
Bpd=bi parietal diameter, fl= femur length, Hc= head circumference, ac= abdominal circumference at the bottom it shows how far along you are but they usually don't use late pregnancy measurements to decide that.
Friend 2 (a rocking mommy): Placenta is located on the front side of your uterus and is not covering your cervical opening. Well, your cervix has some dilating to do, but that is perfectly normal for your first birth.
Friend 3 (a labor and delivery nurse): Means you should rock your vaginal delivery!
Based on their predictions I'm hoping for the news I crave from my Dr. Every time my phone goes off my heart beats a mile a minute but so far it's just been emails to aid my shopping addiction...humm I do need to be distracted....
Thankfully, I have found myself living in a zen-like emotional space the last few days... either way it'll be fine but of course I am still hoping and praying for a vaginal delivery. I've let go of the natural delivery I've been so focused on, and just want what is best for Averie. (Although I find it incredibly irritating when people feel the need to remind me of this- I think I of all people know that a healthy baby is what is important but that doesn't mean I can't hope and want things to go a certain way) If I am blessed with the news I desire I'll still have to be induced early and if that happens bring on the drugs! I'm not sure how it works out timing wise for that option, since inducing can still be a long process. We were just told sometime between the 11th and the 18th... I'll be happy to nail down a date quickly if we are given the option since so many of our family is coming from out of town.
If we have to have a C-Section we had to pick a day when my particular OB would be at the hospital (there is a 24 hr rotation for all the OB's at my practice) and that means Averie would share a birthday with her very understanding auntie. But it also means she gets a super cool birth date- 3/13/13 ;)
So... we wait... and wait... and freaking wait... in all seriousness, despite the waiting I get more and more excited thinking about how close our baby is to coming. It's kinda weird to think it won't just be me and my hubby anymore and each day it gets less terrifying. We're even getting our family involved in a 'who will she look like?' pool (more on that later). We're doing everything we can to make these last few weeks fun and help the time go by. I seriously can't wait to meet our little girl!!!