After writing about the fight with my husband last night I got a lot of private
messages saying different things. Some wanted to make sure we were ok, some with advise, and there were a few that even thanked me. I never expected that response but I guess people like to be reminded that they aren't alone, a concept that I am very familiar with in my sadness.
I do like to focus more on the happy times with my husband because in truth they far outweigh the bad. We rarely do fight, but when it happens the one thing we are consistent with (no matter how angry we get) is that we are in this together, and together we can overcome anything. When we were just dating we never went to breaking up as an option to end the fight, and now that we're married we never mention divorce. We've basically takn that out of the equation because no matter what we are fighting about, it comes down to the fact that we love each other more than anything so working it out is our number one priority.
We are a fairly young couple so it always surprisese when older couples ask us if our happiness is sincere. It also surprises me when I talk about how much I love spending time with my husband and I am met with a vacant stare. My husband is my absolute best friend in the entire world, I go to him for everything and that hasn't changed in the 7 years we've been together and I hope that never does.
We have had our ups and downs of course, but we have always been committed to making it work. There is a lot of sadness out there in the world, so the last thing I need is to pick a partner that makes me anything but happy. I truly feel that if God made us in perfectly balanced pairs, Kevin is my true other half. We balance out the other's crazy, happy, sad... Everything. I know that I am extremely blessed to have this man in my life, and I will work every day to make sure he knows i love him no matter what. We still kiss hello and goodbye, we make sure we say 'I love you' before we go to bed. When one of us is going to work earlier we always wake the other up to say 'I love you' and 'bye' and have a quick smooch. It's the little things that count and we make time for them.
I don't want to come off like I have the perfect marriage because no one does, but I have the perfect man for me to spend my life with, and I will always make sure to appreciate and cherish our relationship, even if I need a minute to escape to do that. Every time I feel myself falling in love with him all over again, it surprises me in the best way. I guess I fool myself into thinking i love him a much as I possibly can, and I'm happily surprised to be wrong. I think it's a huge blessing to be able to spend my life in love with my best friend, and I will always be willing to work on myself and our relationship in order to keep it the way it is... Just right for just us.
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